George Casale wins Billings Trot at Afton Fair

by John Manzi, for the Delvin Miller Amateur Drivers Association

Monticello, NY — Thursday (July 21) was one of the hottest days of the year but the show still went on at the Afton (NY) Fair where one Billings trot went to post during the afternoon and when it was completed George “the Brooklyn Cowboy” Casale and his recent purchase Mr Troy emerged victorious over “Lightning Laura” MacNamara and Oliver Kiss. Dave “Steady As” Yarock finished third with Patsy B Happy.

Casale and Mr Troy started from the pole position and used the front-end route to score a 2:07.1 triumph.

“We had things our own way,” said Casale, “and the only real challenge was when Laura (MacNamara and Oliver Twist) made a move at us past the half but my horse trotted on and she moved back in behind and we were pretty easy winners at the finish.”

Casale recently purchased Mr Troy and is very pleased with his new acquistion.

“I drove him once earlier this year at the Meadowlands and though he’s nine years old he still can trot some and he’s easy to handle and a nice horse to drive,” Casale explained.

An attorney by trade, Casale is off to a good start this year.

“This is my fourth driving victory in 14 starts this year and it’s the best start I’ve ever had,” the afffable easy going amateur reinsman said. “I hope my luck holds out and I continue to drive a few more winners.”

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