High School students dash for cash at Batavia

by Hank Nevins, for Batavia Downs Casino

Batavia, NY — Five Genesee County high school students will get a lesson in harness racing on Saturday night (Sept. 11) at Batavia Downs Casino. The unlikely quintet of three boys and two girls will team with professional drivers as they race against each other in the first-ever $7,500 College Scholarship Race.

The college-bound students participated in a minimum of five training sessions with their mentors at The Downs to learn safety measures, driving skills, stall maintenance and horse grooming. The student line-up includes Kaley Falkowski, Emily Sallome and Eric Harrower, all of Batavia High School, who are partnered with drivers Jim Mulcahy, Mike Pokornowski and Rob Beback, Jr., respectively; Tyler Pingrey of Notre Dame with Jim Graham; and Michael Norway of Oakfield-Alabama with Mike Baumeister.

“I had lots of fun,” said Kaley Falkowski. “I was afraid of horses before this experience, but not anymore.”

Driver Jim Mulcahy observed, “Speed doesn’t matter with these kids. It’s having no fear, respect and a positive mental attitude that will get them to the finish line first.”

“Michael has really learned fast,” Mike Baumeister commented. “I have enjoyed working with him.”

Jim Graham said he’s impressed with his student’s light hands.

The dash for cash will follow Saturday night’s fourth race at approximately 7:30 p.m.

All five student drivers will finish in the money. The $7,500 in scholarship cash is determined by order of finish: $3,000 for first, $2,000 for second, $1,200 for third, $800 for fourth and $500 for fifth.

First post is 6:40 p.m. Parking and admission are free.

This promotion is sponsored by the Harness Horse Breeders of New York, the Western New York Harness Horsemen’s Association, Buffalo Raceway and Batavia Downs Casino.

“This is a fun and unique way for Batavia Downs Casino to support education in Genesee County,” said Michael D. Kane, Vice President of Operations and Live Racing for Western Regional Off-Track Betting, parent company of The Downs. “It’s our hope that the students walk away with a greater understanding of harness racing in addition to their scholarship money.”

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