California horsemen to help Lebanon fire victims

by Robin Clements

Wilton, CA — A barn fire at Lebanon Raceway in Ohio shook up the harness racing industry last Saturday where two men and 43 horses lost their lives. Barn 16 was totally engulfed in flames by the time firefighters arrived on the scene. Ronnie Williams and James “Turtle” Edwards, longtime horsemen, lost their lives in the fire.

This tragedy was felt across the country and horsemen are stepping in to donate money, equipment and horses to help the victims of this horrific fire. Some of the horsemen were literally wiped out of the business in one night. Ten trainers lost horses in the fire. Kayne Kauffman was hit the hardest with the loss of 10 horses and Tom Finch lost seven head. Five of the horses that perished had won races the night before.

A barn fire is a horseman’s worse nightmare. When the news hit California it saddened our hearts and put a pit in our stomach. Some of our drivers here like Mooney Svendsen and Rocky Stidham started in Ohio and the guys wanted to do something to help.

On Sunday night, Dec. 13, the California drivers will donate their driver’s fees to help the fire victims in Ohio. Some of the drivers include Rick and Luke Plano, Mooney Svendsen, Steve Wiseman, Gilbert Herrera and James Kennedy, along with several trainers and owners.

The California Harness Horsemen’s Association and veterinarian Dr Lane Schloeder will also donate money to the victims.

A fund has been established by Lebanon Raceway and anyone wishing to make a monetary donation can send it to: LCNB National Bank — Barn 16 Donation Account, 2 N. Broadway, Lebanon, OH 45036.

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