Change of format for Harrisburg yearling sale

from the Standardbred Horse Sales Company

Harrisburg, PA — After polling numerous customers and consignors and a discussion at a recent consignors’ meeting, it was decided that this year’s Standardbred Horse Sales Company select yearling sale will have a somewhat different format.

“We spoke with numerous customers asking what we could do to improve the sale and the number one suggestion was to reduce the length of the yearling sessions,” said Murray Brown, the Company’s general manager. “This topic was discussed at length at a recent consignors’ meeting and the suggestion was met with unanimous approval.”

“We will sell approximately the same number of yearlings that we have offered in recent years, but they will be offered in four seperate sessions instead of three,” said Brown. “Our goal will be to conclude each yearling session no later than 6 p.m. This will offer everybody the opportunity to have a leisurely dinner and a good rest in preparation for the next day’s sale. In recent years, we noticed that the crowd had considerably thinned out as evening approached. The consignors and their staffs had to stay but the customers sometimes did not.”

What was traditionally the Wednesday session, with the yearlings selling alphabetically by dam, will be divided into two sessions selling Wednesday and Thursday. Thus, for example, if the Wednesday session ends with the letter “L”, then Thursday will begin with the letter “M”.

This year’s Harrisburg select yearling sale will run from Monday, November 2, through Thursday, November 5. The yearling sale will be followed by the mixed sale on Friday, November 6, and Saturday, November 7, with Sunday, November 8, being available in the event that the number of entries warrants that addition.

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