New England awards dinner draws near

by Jack Ginnetti

Marlborough, MA — Post time for the 30th New England Harness Writers Hall of Fame awards/dinner program is just eight days away.

The premier event takes place August 23 in the Belmont Room at Rockingham Park in Salem, N.H. A cocktail hour from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. opens the festivities, followed by a full scale buffet and the awards program.

Highlighting the night’s affair will be the induction of Edward M. Callahan, Bruce Ranger and the late Harry Brusie into the chapter’s prestigious Hall of Fame.

Callahan, a director of the United States Trotting Association and President and general manager of Rockingham Venture, Inc., perhaps spoke for his fellow Hall inductees by noting it is a tremendous honor to be in the company of the greatest people who have participated in this sport in New England over the years.

The honorees also include Jeanne and Bob Ferland, Jason Bartlett and Paul W. Battis, presidential awards; Bonnie J. Rush, Brewer Adams, Theresa (Wasielak) McInnis, and Dana Dumont, achievement awards; John Hogan, ‘Iron Man’ recipient; and Ozzie Cole, Unsung award.

Live racing at 1:05 p.m. takes place at Rockingham prior to this event and a special chapter sponsored Hall of Fame race will be held. All award recipients are urged to make their way to the winner’s circle for the photo presentation.

A special First Lady’s Award (to be announced) is also part of the program with William Ellis serving as master of ceremonies. A drawing for several door prizes including fleece jackets donated by Embroidery Unlimited will also be held. A journal is also being produced and souvenir mugs will be distributed.

Tickets at $30 each are still available and can be purchased by calling Robert Lieberman at (781) 762-2639. Ellis, journal chairman, can be reached at (518) 312-6271.

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