Mike Allen Back Home After Two Month Hospitalization

Harness Racing Communications, a division of the USTA

Trainer/driver Mike Allen, who suffered serious head injuries in a motorcycle accident in mid February, is finally home as of yesterday after a long hospital stay.

Allen was hospitalized and underwent rehabilitation in Gainesville, Florida. His sister-in-law Dawn Allen reports that, “I don’t think he quit smiling all day” on his first day home. Mike has already toured the farm with his son, Patrick, inspected his new SJ’s Caviar foal and commented that, “He never thought horse poo could smell so good,” says Dawn Allen.

She reports Mike is walking without a cane and only minimal assistance, his speech is clear and his memory is improving rapidly, including details about colts he was training prior to the accident. He will continue speech, physical and occupational therapy while at home.

“Miracles do happen,” says Dawn Allen. “They [Mike, his wife Patti and son Patrick]have accumulated hundreds of cards and good wishes from all walks of our dear Standardbred family. We can’t begin to say how important each one was to Mike and the whole family.”

Those that would like to send greetings to Mike Allen can do so in care of Golden Cross Farm, 12662 NW Highway 27, Ocala, FL 34482.

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