NAADA heading to Mallorca to compete against the Spaniards

by John Manzi, for NAADA

Monticello, NY — Who said that amateur racing isn’t fun? Certainly not members of the North American Amateur Drivers Association.

After hosting three different European amateur organizations on American soil already this year four NAADA members; Joe Faraldo, Alan Schwartz, Paul Minore and Joe Lee, and their guests; will soon be winging their way to Palma De Mallorca for an international Friendship Competition with the Spanish amateurs.

“Though some may be going earlier than others we are all meeting in Palma on the 4th September and racing will be on Sept. 5, in the morning, and on the 8th in the evening,” noted NAADA Event Coordinator, Alicia (Mrs Alan) Schwartz.

According to NAADA president Joe Faraldo,”We have had competitions, almost yearly, with the Spanish amateurs. We hosted them last year in the States and we came out on the short end in the competition. But winning or losing is incidental, what is important is the friendship and comraderie shared during the competitions.”

Tentative itinerary:
Arrive in Mallorca on Sept. 4. Drive to the Finca for accommodations.-Relax and dinner at Italian Restaurant
Sept. 5 – Races in the morning, lunch at the racetrack then back to Finca for a barbeque.
Sept. 6 – Visit the Rafa Nadal Museum-Paella by Xisco and after party with gin tonics—then back to Finca.
Sept. 7 – Visit Ca’n Axartell Vineyards with wine tastings and tapas, then visit the Pearls in Porto Cristo followed by dinner in Restaurant Sa Fonda
Sept. 8 – Boat Trip with tapas and cocktails during the day and at night races in Manacor followed by dinner with the horse owners
Sept. 9 – NAADA members leave Mallorca; except for Joe Lee who will be staying on a bit longer to enjoy the scenery

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