SRF needs help to save 38 Standardbreds

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Cream Ridge, NJ — Thirty-eight Standardbreds are waiting with hope to be spared. They are tagged and weighed ready to ship to slaughter in Canada and Mexico. The Standardbred Retirement Foundation is asking for help for them to prevent this. Some are just a day away from loading, a few have until Wednesday.

In North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Texas, and New York, all but a few are emaciated, aged, and injured. One is already 30 years old, he has an injury to his eye and his age shows everywhere on his body; he is the son of Amity Chef. Most had days on the track followed by years of pulling heavy farm equipment and/or served as transportation. In addition to the cost to release them from these “kill pens,” where they are held before shipping, each horse needs a safe place to go, a home.

This is a large undertaking for SRF which already has 393 Standardbreds in need of homes, but SRF will do all they can to help if kind and generous people will change the destiny for these horses. What is needed are tax deductible gifts to pay for each, ship them to safety and for quarantine, rehabilitation, boarding and a home.

To make a gift to help or to offer a home, contact Tammy at 609.738.3255, The deadlines for a few are tonight, others have until Tuesday or Wednesday. A list of only 29 are included, the others are now being inventoried on the manifest which will be available tomorrow.

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