A new model for Ontario racing: A collaborative approach

by Rod Seiling, Chair, the Ontario Racing Commission

Toronto, ON — In October 2009, the Board of the Ontario Racing Commission set a moratorium on any race date reductions in 2010. This decision provides the industry the best opportunity it may ever have to work together in a cohesive and consultative fashion to lay the ground work for the future prosperity of the industry — tracks, horse people and breeders.

The Board directed ORC Executive Director John Blakney to lead an industry-based consultative process with the objective of providing the Commission a new model to assist in the allocation of race dates in the Province of Ontario. To assist the process and help keep it focused, the Board has approved six guiding principles, which may be viewed by clicking here.

From a policy perspective, the Board operates on the basis that the “Slots at Racetrack Program” exists as per the original signed agreement when this program launched — that is, “to benefit live racing.”

Just to be clear, the Board recognizes that phrase can be interpreted a number of ways.

What the agreement has done is infuse millions of public dollars into the industry and with that, comes expectations and the need for transparency.

The deep concern I have, as Board Chair: is the industry up to the challenge? Will we see more of the “same old, same old” that has produced the current impasse and created distrust within many parts of the industry? Or will we see a productive, rewarding partnership for all the stakeholders?

I choose to believe that the industry can come together. With so much riding on the outcome, the Consultation and Working Groups must find a way to do what is best for the thousands of people whose future they hold in the balance.

Either way, the Commission will make a decision. It has that responsibility, a responsibility it takes very seriously, but its preference is for the industry to come forward with new ideas and concepts for the Board to consider.

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