Annual New York SOA meeting a discussion of success and optimism

Standardbred Owners Association of New York

Yonkers, NY — On Saturday, December 6, The Standardbred Owners Association of New York (SOA), the horsemen’s association representing the over 1,000 owners, trainers and drivers regularly competing at Yonkers Raceway, held its annual membership meeting.

During the meeting, the results of the SOA’s 2014 Board of Directors election were certified. In the driver/trainer category, Michael Forte and Jordan Stratton were unopposed in their re-election to three year terms. In the owner category, Ed Fucci, Sandra Kaufman and Stanley Noga were all re-elected to three year terms, also in unopposed fashion.

Additionally, the following Association officers and trustees of the Welfare and Retirement Funds were elected to serve during 2015. They are:

President and Chairman of the Board: Joseph Faraldo
1st Vice President: Peter Venaglia
2nd Vice President Irv Atherton
3rd Vice President: John Brennan
Treasurer: Irv Atherton
Secretary: John Brennan

Peter Venaglia (Chairman)
Joseph Faraldo
Irv Atherton
John Brennan
Jordan Stratton
Ray Schnitter (1st Alternate)
Henry Gargiulo (2nd Alternate)
Chris Wittstruck (3rd Alternate)

At the meeting, the Board discussed the recent success of the French simulcast export experiment, the significant expansion of the project during 2015 and the work being undertaken towards commingling of the domestic and European wagering pools. SOA Executive Director Alex Dadoyan received a special recognition reward for his excellent work in making the French experiment not only come to fruition, but blossom in 2015.

The membership was also apprised that, in collaboration with Yonkers Raceway management, details of next year’s reintroduction of the International Trot are already being set in place.

Subject to approval by the New York State Gaming Commission, the 2015 racing season will commence on Friday evening, January 9.

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