Application forms available for Ontario Resident Mare program

by Karen Hauver, OSS Administration Coordinator

Toronto, ON — Application forms are now available for the Ontario Resident Mare program for the 2013 foal year.

To qualify as an Ontario Resident Mare, the mare must be enrolled in the program for each foaling year and meet the program’s eligibility requirements, including being resident in the Province of Ontario at the time of enrolment and remaining resident in the province for 180 consecutive days surrounding the day of foaling.

There is an annual enrolment fee of C$50 per mare.

For the 2013 foal year, registration forms and all fees must be submitted prior to foaling in Ontario.

Any rewards earned under this program are payable to and intended to directly reward the breeder or mare owner who made the decision to participate by enrolling the mare in the Ontario Resident Mare Program.

The form may be downloaded at this link.

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