ARCI approves four amendments to the Model Rules

Lexington, KY — At its recent meeting in Indianapolis, Ind., in late June, the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) approved four amendments to the Model Rules and declined to approve a fifth proposed amendment.

The ARCI Board of Directors approved the following Model Rule amendments:

ARCI-007-0025 OPERATIONS; Subsection A. Security – amended the Restricted Administration Time for all substances from 24 hours to 48 hours with a list of exceptions. (Proposed Amendment submitted by the RMTC)

ARCI-007-0025 OPERATIONS – added Subsection J – adoption of the Biosecurity Protocols from the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) for Flat Racing. The Protocols are located in Appendix A to the Model Rules.

ARCI-011-015 PROHIBITED PRACTICES – amended the Restricted Administration Time for all substances from 24 hours to 48 hours with a list of exceptions. (Proposed Amendment submitted by the RMTC)

ARCI-011-023 TESTING – added Subsection G – Results Management Reporting – which sets forth reporting requirements for ADMC results on an annual basis.

ARCI-021-025 OPERATIONS – added Subsection G – adoption of the Biosecurity Protocols from the AAEP for Harness Racing. The Protocols are located in Appendix A to the Model Rules.

ARCI-024-035 RACING RULES – Added Subsection O – No Contest Rule (Harness Racing) – provides guidance for Judges for consideration of declaring a heat or race a “no contest”. (Proposed Amendment submitted by USTA).

Added Appendix A to the Model Rules – as referenced above in ARCI-007-025, Subsection J and ARCI-021-025, Subsection G.

An Amendment proposed by the USTA regarding mandatory enclosures around any body of water located in the infield of a racetrack be required to be surrounded by an enclosure (i.e., fence) was not passed by the Board of Directors.

The full updated version of the Model Rules can be found here.

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