ARCI statement on Monday’s FTC action

Editor’s Note: The Association of Racing Commissioners International has released a statement on Monday’s Federal Trade Commission action regarding the proposed HISA Anti-Doping and Medication Control rules. Below is the statement. 

Lexington, KY — We are pleased that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was responsive to the request last week by the ARCI to NOT approve the proposed HISA Anti-Doping and Medication Control rules given the serious questions that exist about the constitutionality of the HISA Act.

The RCI has not taken sides in the litigation, although some member States are actively challenging the constitutionality of the HISA Act. We believe this Act needs a rewrite in order to work and we stand ready to help in a process to build a consensus as to what modifications must be made in order to achieve the goals articulated by Senator McConnell, Representatives Barr and Tonko.

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