ARCI update on USTA proposals to modify regulatory policy on clenbuterol and betamethasone

Lexington, KY – On April 3, 2019, the Association of Racing Commissioners International Drug Standards and Practices Committee considered proposals submitted by the Harness Racing Medication Collaborative to modify the rules pertaining to clenbuterol and bethamethasone use by veterinarians to treat Standardbred race horses.

Prior to the meeting, the ARCI Scientific Advisory Group met to consider the proposals and report on the science that exists.

To see the USTA/HRMC presentations to the ARCI by USTA President Russell Williams and HRMC Chairman Joe Faraldo, click here.

To view the video of the report of the ARCI Scientific Advisory Group after the review of the USTA proposals, click here.

Bottom line:

1. Scientists acknowledge that breed specific rules may be appropriate based upon use factors;

2. A 96-hour withdrawal time for clenbuterol may be appropriate for standardbred horses, but the proposed threshold does not comport to the proposed withdrawal time and additional work is necessary to determine a threshold that would correspond to the 96 hours;

3. Additional data from the Dr. Kynch study must be reviewed to assess the adequacy of the current model rule threshold for betamethasone and there is an open question as to use beyond the drug manufacturer’s recommended dosage by standardbred veterinarians;

4. Administrations of either medication should only occur by a veterinarian who has documented the diagnosis and medical need and disclosed such treatments to the racing commission which should maintain a database of treatment records.

The DTSP Committee took no action on either medication, but does intend that further analytical work be done and recommendations forwarded from the Scientific Advisory Group prior to the ARCI meetings in August 2019.


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