Beachy, Ferrari score in Northfield GLADA events

Northfield, OH — The Great Lakes Amateur Driving Association was busy on Saturday at Northfield Park with Henry Beachy and Larry Ferrari reaching the winner’s circle in their respective events — and then a third time with the GLADA club making a donation to New Vocations, the largest racehorse adoption network in the country.

Beachy kicked off the festivities rallying with his own Brigotto (Bluto), squeaking by Over Six, handled by Ferrari, by a half-length in a mile clocked in 1:59.2. Fulton’s Fury was third for Don Sherman.

Brigotto won for the third time in 29 starts this year, pushing his bounty to $24,243. He’s banked $217,810 career-wise. The winner paid $15.80 to his faithful.

Ferrari reached the charmed circle in his event piloting So Wishfull (Wishing Stone) to a hard fought victory with the mile in 1:58.3. The margin was a neck over a very game Another Breath, driven by Floyd Rhodes, with Golden Genes, handled by Eric Miller, right there third in the mix.

So Wishfull justified his favoritism on the toteboard at 5-2 — the mutuel being $7.00. The win pushed So Wishfull’s scorecard to 5-3-4 in 21 season’s starts, good for $36,941.

In a post-race interview, Ferrari said, “Yes, we went a long mile but had nice cover so it really didn’t hurt him. He was gutsy when it counted, that’s for sure.

“But, I have to say, even more importantly, was the fact that we were able to make a nice contribution to New Vocations, helping in their mission to rehabilitate and train retired racehorses for useful, new careers as show horses, riding horses or in therapeutic ways.

“That is what GLADA is all about!”

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