Beware of the Swedes in the Prix d’Amerique

by Karsten Bonsdorf, USTA web newsroom correspondent

Ready Cash might be the big favorite for the upcoming Prix d’Amerique at Vincennes in a fortnight, but a couple of Swedish trotters will definitely give him a match based on the impressions they gave Sunday (Jan. 13) at Vincennes.

Watch for the names Maharajah and Raja Mirchi.

There could have been a third one, the Norwegian trained and owned Yarrah Boko, who won the last test race, the Prix de Belgique, for French catch driver Pierre Vercruyse. However, Yarrah Boko was found lame on a front leg Monday morning and will now return to Norway.

Maharajah, who had to trail the field 25 meters from the start, looked very strong and finished very fast to finish ninth in a hand drive from Ôrjan Kihlström. Two years ago Maharajah gave Ready Cash a match in the Prix d’Amerique, but last year he disappointed and finished fourth. Maharajah looks much better this year and seems to be spot on to the big race.

Like Maharajah, the second Swede, Raja Mirchi, is sired by Viking Kronos. Raja Mirchi, with his trainer Lutfi Kolgjini in the bike, was a very easy winner of the Prix de Tenor de Baune and that win earned him a spot in the field in the Prix d’Amerique. Raja Mirchi won over the same distance as the Prix d’Amerique in 1:57 (mile rate) and was very impressive, leading all the way.

“I think I can win the Prix d’Amerique,” Kolgjini said afterwards.

Two more Swedish trotters are expected to race in the Prx d’Amerique, Noras Bean and Quarcio du Chene, but in the final race on Saturday in Sweden, they didn’t sparkle and a were well beaten third and fourth, respectively.

But they all have to catch up with Ready Cash, who was at Vincennes on Sunday, where he got a couple of heats and looked marvelous.

Ready Cash is trying to win his third Prix d’Amerique in a row.

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