Doug Brown is out of action after racing accident

from Standardbred Canada

Mississauga, ON — Hall of Fame driver Doug Brown will be out of the race bike for the next few months as a result of a racing accident at Kawartha Downs on Saturday night, August 14.

Hot As Ice, with Brown in the bike, made a break in the stretch from first over and went down. Brown was hit in his lower back by Dunum Up Rite’s knee during the accident which fractured his fourth vertebrae.

Trot Insider caught up with Brown on Wednesday afternoon, and the Hall of Famer reported that he sustained no additional injuries in the accident aside from a few bruises.

Brown is hopeful that his back will be suitable for a much publicized relocation to Florida later this year.

“I was planning on going to Florida the end of October,” confirmed Brown. “I have to go back to the doctors in two months, and hopefully I’ll be OK.”

The plan right now is for Brown to take down his three 2-year-olds, a few racehorses as well as some yearlings.

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