Driver leaps from sulky to horse’s back to save the day


Prestonsburg, KY — LaKendrick Goss’ current nickname is Red. But after the events that took place Thursday (July 29) at Thunder Ridge, he may consider changing it to Spiderman. His actions just may have saved a horse, himself, and others from getting seriously injured.

As a field of eight lined up behind the Walt Reins starting gate, halfway through the turn Goss’ horse (Mac Holiday Gift) broke the left line. Still behind the gate, Goss yelled, “Broke line!! Broke line!! I got a broken line!!” With much confusion and banging around, horses and drivers began to scatter to get out of the way.

Goss ended up on the outside rail with his horse running out of control. They made one lap as horsemen helped keep Goss and his horse on the track by standing at the draw gates. But as the two were making the second lap, Goss knew the horse would not pass up the next draw gate.

And what happened next, is just simply amazing.

Amanda Webb Stephens photo

LaKendrick Goss leaped from the sulky to Mac Holiday Gift’s back and brought him to a complete stop.

Goss leaped from the sulky to the horse’s back, grabbed the overcheck, and brought his mount to a complete stop.

Goss said, “I knew Holiday (the loose horse) was going to go out the draw gate the next time around. I didn’t have much time to think about it. I also knew that one of my wheels would hang on the fence post and I could see myself getting thrown way up in the air. I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want myself, the horse, or anyone else to get hurt.”

We asked Goss how he made the climb from cart to horse and what he grabbed on to that brought him to a stop.

He said, “I just put one hand on the shaft, put my feet on the seat, and jumped up on his back. Then I grabbed on to his overcheck and pulled back hard. Then he (the horse) slowed right down like I wanted him to.”

Goss was still pretty shook up back at the barn, but he was able to crack a smile as one of his friends called him “Spiderman.”

Even the real Spiderman would have had to use his wall crawling powers here. But not Goss, he made it look easy using only his natural athletic ability.

On Thursday at Thunder Ridge, LaKendrick Goss was the hero.

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