Drivers give their odds for 3R tournament Sunday

By Steven Wolf, for the Quebec Jockey Club

Trois-Rivieres, Quebec –– After having a chance to view the entries and race program for Sunday’s 4th annual Drivers Tournament at the Hippodrome 3R, we asked the drivers how they felt their odds might be to win the tournament.

And we got some very interesting responses.

Sunday’s tournament will be a great display of horsemanship from nine of the best drivers this season. The nine drivers will compete in eight races (two through nine) with $3,000 in cash prizes for the top three finishers.

And the race fans can get in the action too! There will be a meet and greet starting at 12:15 p.m. for the fans plus a contest to predict the top three finishers with more than $500 in cash prizes to the winners.

Joining special guest drivers Simon Allard and Robert Shepherd will be 3R’s top reinsman, Pascal Berube, Stephane Brosseau, Mario Charron, Jocelyn Gendron, Stephane Gendron, Denis St. Pierre, and Louis-Philippe Roy.

“It will be a very good tournament,” said 3R’s leading driver, Denis St. Pierre. “I don’t think I have a chance to be in the top three, but I would have to say my odds of winning are at 6-1. Louis-Philippe Roy, Robert Shepherd and Stephane Gendron will be the tough ones.”

“I have been in three tournaments before,” said Robert Shepherd, “And they can be very exciting and super competitive. I won a father-son tournament on PEI and it was great. For this tournament I think my odds of winning are 5-1.”

“It will be tough,” said Stephane Gendron, “We will need to have some racing luck. I see my odds at 5-1.”

“You can’t win it unless you are in it,” said Simon Allard, quoting the great Herve Filion. “It is great to be invited to compete and my first glance at the race entries I would say I am 9-5 odds to win it. You have to think positive. Then I looked at the actual race program and now I think I would have a better chance to win at bingo!”

“I am very honored to be in the tournament,” said Jocelyn Gendron, “You have to think you can be the winner because you never know how the racing will go. I am confident so let’s say odds of 3-1.”

“I think I drew very well for the tournament,” said Louis-Phillipe Roy. “I have good positions with the right horses so if I have some racing luck I could have a good chance to win. I say my odds are 7-2.”

“My odds should be around 6-1,” said Pascal Berube. “I have two strong drives but the rest are so so. You never know how things will turn out so I hope I can make it to the top three.”

“I have two or three horses that I may be able to do well with.” said Mario Charron. “It is great to be in the tournament. It is a nice reward for the top drivers and it is always a good competition. I would have to say my odds are around 10-1. Of course I will need some luck to do well. In tournaments like this you never know how things will go. Sometimes the favorites get into a fight and you can pick up some good points. I know for sure it will be great racing action for the fans.”

“I’m not too excited about tomorrow’s tournament,” said Stephane Brosseau. “It is great to be part of it but I fear my odds of winning are very high. I don’t think I have a shot. I am in it but I could be 99-1 odds. I’m gonna need some luck for sure and I will give it my best!

According to the morning line odds, the tournament favorites would be Louis-Phillipe Roy, Robert Shepherd and Stephane Gendron. Either way Sunday’s tournament promises to be full of exciting racing action in every race.

Post time Sunday is 1:30 pm. For more information visit

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