Elimination of race-day Lasix highlighted in second video of “What HISA Means to You” series

Columbus, OH — The U.S. Trotting Association on Tuesday (Oct. 18) released the second of a three-part video series, “What HISA Means to You,” featuring the problems with the elimination of race-day Lasix.

The purpose of the video series is to create awareness about the problems that the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act pose to our industry and its participants and what to expect when harness racing is opted into the legislation.

This second video features Dr. Andy Roberts, who explains his concerns about the danger to the health of the racehorses with the elimination of race-day Lasix. USTA photo.

This second video features Dr. Andy Roberts, who explains his concerns about the danger to the health of the racehorses with the elimination of race-day Lasix.

To watch the video, click here.

In the video, Dr. Roberts explains that there are important factors that contribute to Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage, which causes bleeding and damage to horses’ lungs. He cites the increased frequency of racing and intensity of training as well as the environment with air pollution and why Lasix is critical for the health of the horses.

“Lasix is the cheapest, most proven, most effective way to treat bleeders,” explains Dr. Roberts. “And HISA removes that directly from our hands. We won’t be able to use it on race day when horses need it the most.”

To watch the first video of the “What HISA Means to You” series, which describes the danger of the unknown costs of HISA, click here.

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