Fans flocked for Foiled Again at Batavia Downs

by Tim Bojarski, for Batavia Downs

Batavia, NY — It was a dark and stormy night in Genesee County as storms blew through the area on Friday night (Sept. 21). But that didn’t deter the multitude of fans of Foiled Again from turning out to witness the richest Standardbred of all time compete at Batavia Downs one last time.

Kevin Oklobzija photo

Foiled Again was brought back to the winner’s circle where he stood like a rock star with his caretaker Jordan Miller and his driver Jim Morrill Jr.

Prior to the eighth race, everyone in attendance gathered at the fence in anticipation of seeing one of the greatest pacers in the history of the sport. Foiled Again was in a $10,000 Open II Pace that saw him start from post seven and get away fifth, where he would stay until the race approached the three-quarter pole. That’s where driver Jim Morrill Jr. pulled him and tried to advance towards the leader. Although Foiled Again raced gamely, pacing home in :28.2 over an off-track, he came up two lengths short of the win, finishing fourth in 1:53.4.

After the race, Foiled Again was brought back to the winner’s circle where he stood like a rock star with his caretaker Jordan Miller and his driver Jim Morrill Jr. to greet the hundreds of racing enthusiasts who ran down from all points of the grandstand and clubhouse to see him up close and take his picture. There is no doubt that Facebook accounts all over western New York will be rife with images of Foiled Again for the foreseeable future.

Batavia Downs Gaming is very appreciative of Burke Racing, the Weaver Bruscemi partnership, the JJK Stables and trainer Ron Burke for including us as a stop on the Foiled Again Farewell Tour.

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