Farrier Bob Brodecki gofundme campaign

Columbus, OH –  Amber Brodecki, the daughter of long-time farrier Bob, has started a gofundme campaign to provide financial assistance for her father who suffered a severe stroke on June 10, 2022.

Amber Brodecki has organized a GoFundMe campaign to provide financial assistance for her father and long-time farrier Bob Brodecki, who suffered a severe stroke on June 10. Photo courtesy of GoFundMe page.

According to the message from Amber on the gofundme page, “ I’m fundraising for my parents. My father, Bob, had a stroke on Friday, June 10 around 8:30 p.m..

“He was rushed to a hospital in (New) Jersey (where he works) but it wasn’t soon enough to do very much for him. The stroke was severe and he is now unable to speak and is paralyzed on his right side.

“For those of you who know my dad, know that he is the most hardworking, generous man on the planet and the main provider for my mother and himself. He’s been around horses his entire life, taking over his father’s business as a blacksmith in the 1980s.

“Due to the stroke, he is no longer able to work as shoeing horses is an extremely physical job.

“I’m asking (you) to donate whatever you can to please help my mother pay the bills that are coming in. She has so much on her plate right now and has had to take several days off of work to be with my father.

“Please help our ‘Smiley Bob Brodecki.’”

To visit the gofundme page for Bob Brodecki, click here.

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