Gefilte Fish, the horse, to enter Passover Pace

by John Manzi, publicity director, Monticello Raceway

Monticello, NY — For the past three or four years Canadian Sheldon Rose has been seeking a mount in Monticello Raceway’s annual Passover Pace. He recently called the track’s publicity office and once again inquired about driving in the event that is relegated to drivers of Jewish Heritage.

“If I bring my horse this year can I get in the race,” Rose asked?

“It certainly would help,” was the reply given to him.

“You know I warmed-up for this race last year, even drove two winners in six starts and was disappointed when I didn’t get in,” Rose said. “And if I can get in (the race) this year I’ll bring a horse which I believe will be perfect for the Passover Pace.”

Now piquing interest from the Mighty M’s publicity department Rose was asked what horse he was talking about.

“My horse’s name is Gefilte Fish,” he said trying to hold back a chuckle. “Honest, that’s her name! She’s now racing at Flamboro Downs and I’d be glad to truck her all the way to Monticello if I can drive in the Passover Pace.”

“It’s no easy task vanning a horse all the way to Monticello from Hamilton, Ontario but if you really want to do it you’re in,” Rose was told.

Gefilte Fish is a 4-year-old mare currently racing in $7,500 claimers at Flamboro Downs and her name alone will attract attention in the race for Jewish drivers.

Rose, from Thornhill, Ontario, certainly isn’t a household name but he has been enthralled with harness racing for decades although he only drives on a part-time basis.

Should Rose join the line-up of drivers in this year’s ‘Race for the Matzohs’ he’ll have to contend with former Passover Pace winners Alan Schwartz, Mike Kimelman and Mark Liebowitz, and last year’s winner PJ Lutman, all of whom have already declared that they’ll be back again for another go.

This year the 12th annual Passover Pace is slated for Monday afternoon, April 5, and even though the track’s director of racing Eric Warner has a good start at filling the race he’ll still need eight drivers in order to card a wagering event.

Anyone fitting the criteria and wanting more information, or to have a chance to drive in the Passover Pace, is urged to contact Warner in the racing office by calling 845.794.4100, ext: 557; or they can call the track’s publicity office at ext. 557.

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