Hanover Harrisburg videos to be posted daily on Hanover website

from Hanover Shoe Farms

Hanover, PA — Videos of the 219 Hanover Shoe Farms yearlings selling at Harrisburg will be posted on the Hanover Shoe Farms website (www.hanoverpa.com) as they are completed.

Providing the weather cooperates, the video process should be completed by Saturday (Oct. 13).

Visitors to the Hanover Fairgrounds will be welcome to inspect these yearlings starting at 11 a.m. daily, except Sunday, beginning Monday (Oct. 15) until the yearlings ship to Harrisburg on Saturday (Nov. 3).

As in the recent past, approved customers will be allowed to take x-rays and to have endoscopic inspection (scoping) of these yearlings performed at the Hanover Fairgrounds. X-ray examination and endoscopic evaluations will not be permitted once the yearlings have arrived at Harrisburg.

Anybody desiring x-rays or scoping to be performed on a yearling should contact Dr. Bridgette Jablonsky at drjablonsky@hanoverpa.com or at 717.578.7395.

The yearlings will be available for inspection at Harrisburg beginning Sunday (Nov. 4) at 8 a.m.

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