Hanover Harrisburg yearling videos being posted daily

from Hanover Shoe Farms Inc.

Hanover, PA — The Hanover Shoe Farms videos of the yearlings consigned to this year’s Harrisburg sale are now being taken at the Hanover Fairgrounds. Videos of these yearlings will be posted on a daily basis as they are done. They may be accessed at the Hanover Shoe Farms website at www.hanoverpa.com.

It is anticipated that all of the 220 yearlings will have their videos on the website by Saturday, October 11; this of course to some degree is weather dependent.

The yearlings will be available for inspection at the Fairgrounds beginning Monday, October 13. Appointments are not necessary, but they will be greatly appreciated. To arrange for the yearlings that prospective buyers would like to see please call Dr. Bridgette Jablonsky at 717-637-8931 or Murray Brown at 717-487-1812. By doing so, your particular yearlings will be ready for you at your arrival.

The yearlings will be available for inspection daily except Sunday, through Friday, October 31 beginning at 11 A.M. They will ship to Harrisburg on Saturday, November 1 and be ready for evaluation there beginning at 8 A.M. on Sunday, November 2.

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