Hanover Shoe Farms Harrisburg yearling videos available

from Hanover Shoe Farms

Hanover, PA — Videos of all the 2015 Hanover Shoe Farms Harrisburg yearlings will be available on the Farm’s website (www.hanoverpa.com) beginning at noon on Tuesday (Oct. 13).

The vast majority of the videos are already online and can be now accessed via the website.

Visitors are invited to come to the Hanover Fairgrounds to inspect the 2015 Harrisburg consignment. The yearlings are available for inspection and paddocking daily, except Sunday, beginning at 11 a.m. Appointments are not necessarily required, but would be greatly appreciated.

In order to facilitate your visit, please call Dr. Bridgette Jablonsky or Murray Brown at 717.637.8931 and let them know when you can be expected.

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