HHYF Red Mile fundraiser offers $1,700 in donor incentives

by Keith Gisser, for the Harness Horse Youth Foundation

Westfield, IN — A total of $1,700 worth of gift certificates are available to donors for the Harness Horse Youth Foundation’s fourth annual Drive For Youth Fundraiser, to be held during the races at Lexington’s historic Red Mile on Sunday (Sept. 30).

The individual contributing the most dollars to Drive For Youth will received a $1,000 gift certificate towards the purchase of a UFO racebike. The person contributing the second largest amount will be rewarded with a $500 gift certificate from Elite Harness Racing towards the purchase of a set of racebike wheels. The third largest donor will receive a $200 gift certificate from Bow River Jewelry.

HHYF staff and trustees will be in the grandstand, clubhouse, paddock and on the apron requesting pledges from drivers, trainers, owners and fans that day. Contributions will assist in supporting all HHYF activities, including summer camps, family days, seminars, scholarships and publication of educational materials used to promote the industry. HHYF will also have an information table set up during the races.

This year, HHYF is also inviting horsemen — drivers, trainers and owners — who are not racing at The Red Mile, to participate in Drive For Youth.

“As our programs spread to more and more areas, we realize we needed to expand our request for support to the entire industry,” explained HHYF Executive Director Ellen Taylor.

Those wishing to donate, but not in attendance at the Red Mile, are invited to pledge by e-mailing HHYF Executive Director Ellen Taylor at ellen@hhyf.org. A pledge form has also been posted at www.hhyf.org. Please provide a phone number and e-mail address where you may be contacted.

The Harness Horse Youth Foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing young people and their families educational opportunities with harness horses, in order to foster the next generation of participants and fans. The Foundation has been making a difference in young people’s lives since 1976, and its programs include interactive learning experiences with these versatile animals, scholarship programs, and creation and distribution of educational materials.

For more information on opportunities through HHYF, or to support its mission, go to www.hhyf.org.

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