Hot N Sporty, winner of $500,000, seeks soft place to land

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Millstone Township, NJ — Many Standardbreds are at risk. One is a half million dollar winner, Hot N Sporty. This noble son of Sportsmaster patiently waits for help, a place to live out his life.

His last owner of four years, after the gelding’s big earnings, saw earnings of just $23,000. From that point no one knows what happened to him until he showed up a couple of days ago in the kill pen in Pennsylvania. A total of 34 wins, 32 seconds, 33 thirds, and 209 starts are noted in his history, but he stands in a pen, helpless.

The Standardbred Retirement Foundation recently took in 18 trotters and pacers and cannot take on another. A horse like this deserves a restful place and it is the hope of the SRF that someone will find it in their heart to invite him to their family and give him a well-deserved place to land. It is not confirmed, but Hot N Sporty may even be sound enough to ride and drive.

His days in the winner’s circle date back to 2005, he is now 13, just about the age when the communities using these horses for transportation turn them over for younger ones. He is a little thin, and stands in a manure packed stall, but seems to be fine otherwise. Please contact SRF at 732.446.422,, to bring him to safety before 6 p.m. on Tuesday (Aug. 9) when he will otherwise ship to the Canadian slaughterhouse. SRF pleas for his safety.

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