Indiana suspends trainer for 10 years for blood doping

by Jessica Barnes, the Indiana Horse Racing Commission

Indianapolis, IN — Standardbred trainer Bradley Moffitt has been suspended for 10 years for a positive test for darbepoetin alpha (“DPO”).

DPO, an RCI Class 1 drug, is considered a performance enhancer when administered to race horses. This positive marks the first time a synthetic blood doping agent has been found in Indiana.

The penalty is the result of a settlement agreement between Mr. Moffitt and commission staff, which was unanimously approved by the Indiana Horse Racing Commission at their public meeting today in Indianapolis.

“I believe the 10 year suspension to be an effective deterrent,” said Joe Gorajec, Executive Director. “Hopefully, this will cause horsemen to think twice before racing a blood-doped horse at an Indiana track.”

The race resulting in the positive occurred on May 31, 2014 at Hoosier Park. Mr. Moffitt’s suspension runs March 18, 2015 through March 18, 2025.

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