Jackpot Super High Five weekend at The Meadowlands

from the Meadowlands Media Relations Department

East Rutherford, NJ — The Meadowlands Racetrack will offer horseplayers a rare opportunity with a weekend of mandatory payouts in the track’s two Jackpot Super High Five wagers.

Assuming they are not hit in the next two weeks, the Meadowlands will pay out the jackpot in the race five wager on Friday (July 28) and the jackpot in the last race wager on Saturday (July 29).

The race five jackpot currently stands at $29,112 while the last race jackpot is $56,802. Both wagers have a 20-cent base wager and carry a 15 percent takeout. On nights when there is no single winning ticket, 25 percent of the net pool is added to the jackpot amount while 75 percent of the net pool is paid out to the multiple winners.

The race five jackpot has grown since May 20 when it was hit for $43,641. The last race jackpot has grown since Dec. 11 when it was hit for $68,028.

For more information, visit www.playmeadowlands.com.

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