Just Plum Lucky sports caring connections

by Mark Ratzky, publicity, Cal Expo Harness

Sacramento, CA — While Just Plum Lucky has been a little too comfortable with the minor placings over the last couple of seasons, with 20 runner-up finishes to go with her seven victories, Richard and Marlene Thomas’ homebred comes to play each and every week and does sport two snapshots at the meeting.

Trained by George Reider and handled by the 20-year-old phenom Tyler Smith in her last two appearances, the dark-hued daughter of Power Of Art was unable to match strides with Lust in the lane but did keep to her task to complete the exacta as the public choice at most recent asking.

“She’s a gem consistency, but she is the bridesmaid an awful lot,” Reider said. “If l was going to have a family horse, she fits the bill. Rick and Marlene really like her, and it shows since they lost the horse once and claimed her back.

“She definitely has her share of problems, but my assistant trainer Kim Hines knows her like a book and really takes care of her and we love having her in the barn.”

Reider was around during the Western Harness Racing days at Hollywood Park and like many people is saddened by the closing of that track, even though they haven’t had the trotters and pacers there for decades.

“I have so many memories,” Reider said. “I got the chance to watch Niatross and I was really impressed by Direct Scooter. Steve Desomer also had a little trotter named Dante Jay who was so much fun to watch week in and week out.

“Watching Shelly Goudreau drive was something, and hearing Robin Burns call those races was really special. There was so much excitement in the stands with the big crowds and movie stars, and that’s the way I like to remember Hollywood Park.”

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