Kentucky approves out-of-competition testing

from Harness Tracks of America

Tucson, AZ — A determined Kentucky Horse Racing Commission yesterday unanimously voted to adopt tough out-of-competition testing, in the face of Thoroughbred horsemen’s opposition.

As passed, the new rules provide for a 5- to 10-year suspension and a $50,000 fine for first offenders.

Breeder and commissioner Alan Leavitt voted for the change, but only after he had argued for a minimum 10-year suspension. When it was suggested that would amount to a “death sentence,” Leavitt replied, “That’s exactly what it’s intended to be.”

Under the new rule the commission has the power to do testing on almost any horse, anywhere, at any time.

In another move toward greater industry integrity, the commission also voted to randomly test at least two horses in any race carrying a purse of $2,500 or more without advance notice of which two would be tested. That recommendation not only increases precautionary testing, but also offers an effective and cheaper alternative, a move recommended almost 20 years ago in the McKinsey report advocating new industry approaches.

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