Kyle DiBenedetto drives 6,000th winner

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OH — Kyle DiBenedetto drove the 6,000th winner of his career on Thursday (Feb. 18) at Monticello Raceway when he piloted Simply Rockin to a 2:01.2 score in the fourth race.

Geri Schwarz photo

Kyle DiBenedetto drove the 6,000th winner of his career on Feb. 18 at Monticello with Simply Rockin.

Back in November when DiBenedetto was starting to get close to the milestone, the wins were spaced far apart. A jubilant DiBenedetto said in the winner’s circle, “My daughter was joking with me when I was 15 shy of the milestone, she said ‘Dad in the old days it would have only taken you four-five days to get 15 wins, now it takes four–five weeks!’”

Kyle was welcomed to the winner’s circle by his fellow colleagues and well-wishers.

With his first ride in the sulky at age six, he grew up wanting to be a driver. DiBenedetto began driving competitively at 12 and he received his provisional license when he was 16.

By his 20th birthday in 1986, DiBenedetto had already driven 225 winners. That mark had previously been reached by only two others at that age — Herve Filion and Walter Case Jr. In 1986 DiBenedetto was the “Most Improved Driver” at Monticello. He was also the youngest driver to have scored five wins at The Meadowlands.

At age 21, DiBenedetto captured the leading dash winning title at Monticello Raceway for 1987, thus breaking Walter Case Jr.’s record for winning the title at the age of 22.

DiBenedetto has driven more than 100 winners in 29 of the past 30 seasons. He set his career high of 312 wins in 1999.

— Shawn Wiles also contributed to this report

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