Last call for USTA clerk and charting school

by Michele Kopiec, USTA Racetrack Operations and Licensing Manager

Columbus, OH — The USTA will hold a clerk and charting school on Tuesday (May 8) through Thursday (May 10) at the USTA office in Westerville, Ohio.

This comprehensive course will cover all procedures and requirements for how to use eTrack, which is the system used in race offices at both pari-mutuel and county fair tracks to create race programs and submit entries and results to the USTA.

Currently licensed officials, as well as individuals interested in becoming licensed officials, are encouraged to attend.

Tuesday and Wednesday will consist of classroom instruction along with visits to Scioto Downs to shadow licensed officials during the races. The clerk/charter exam will be administered on Thursday to those who feel ready to pursue the license.

The fee for the school will be $150 and will include study materials and lunch each day; lodging will be at the student’s expense. Applicants must be current USTA members.

Those interested in attending the school should complete the application by clicking here and return it to the USTA by April 15. Additional details will be sent to each student upon receipt of application.

For more information, contact Michele Kopiec at 877.800.8782, extension 3294 or email

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