Last call for Waples Tribute tickets

by Heather MacKay

Campbellville, ON — There are only a few tickets left for the upcoming Keith and Ron Waples Tribute, a benefit for the daughters of the late Mark Austin.

Anyone interested in purchasing tickets should do so immediately by contacting Jack Darling ( – 519.653.2698), Ian Fleming ( – 519.482.5270) or Bill O’Donnell ( – 905.854.2672). That contact information also applies to anyone wishing to donate to the silent auction.

The event will be held on Wednesday (Oct. 29) at Mohawk Racetrack, doors open at 5 p.m., buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m. with the tribute portion to follow dinner. Tickets are $50 each with tables of eight available for $400.

An online auction will be held from Oct. 20 to 27. All funds raised will go to the education fund.

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  • Update on Waples Tribute Night (Wednesday, October 22, 2014)
    Due to the overwhelming response for tickets to the upcoming Tribute Night for Keith and Ron Waples, the event has been moved from the Sports Dining Room at Mohawk to the main dining room meaning there are 50 tickets now available which will be sold on a first come first served basis.

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