Lisa Krom wins the Lady Godiva with Allikait Fighter

by John Manzi, publicity director, Monticello Raceway

Monticello, NY — Even without trying, memorable things seem to happen at Monticello Raceway. Score one for this year’s Lady Godiva race winner “Say Hey” Lisa Krom who now has one for the ages.

As the eight–horse field was approaching the starting line, inadvertently Krom did her best version of the “Say Hey Kid,” Willie Mays, who was world famous in his youth for running out from under his hat.

Lisa Krom, minus her helmet, crossed the finish line first in the Lady Godiva.

Somehow Krom’s helmet went flying to the turf just as the starting judge bellowed “go.” Of course the race continued and after a two-hole trip Krom’s pacer, Allikait Fighter, rallied in the deep stretch to score a 2:03 victory on the windy Valentine’s Day afternoon of Monday, Feb. 14.

Krom, whose prowess is on the training side — she’s currently second in victories this year — showed she can not only handle a racing steed but execute a picture perfect drive in the process.

With Sherry Cushing on the pole with Koles Return and Krom and Allikait Fighter alongside in the two-hole, Krom tried for the lead and when Cushing rebuffed her Krom figured that the two-hole looked pretty good at that point.

As they approached the quarter pole Krom again tried for the front-end, but once again Cushing refused to yield.

“They (Allikait Fighter’s connections) told me she was good on the front-end so I tried, but after being chased back in along the pylons for a second time I decided to stay there and it turned out to be the best thing for us,” Krom related.

After stalking Cushing the entire mile Krom eased her pacer to the outside at the top of the stretch and they cruised home an easy winner over Koles Return. Last year’s Lady Godiva winner Jennifer Lappe finished third with Fox Valley Marissa.

Geri Schwarz photos

Lisa Krom gets a box of Godiva chocolates from Monticello’s Director of Racing, Eric Warner.

When they came back for the picture taking Krom and Allkait Fighter struggled to get to the winner’s circle because the freshly-scraped muddy track surface blocked direct access and the wet soil also made it tough to get a good photograph. With the presenters and the well-wishers joining in for the picture taking the strong gusting winds added to the obstacles. But after some shoes were muddied and the photos were taken Krom’s helmet loss was a topic of conversation.

Director of Racing Eric Warner, who was on hand for the presentations, said he couldn’t ever remember a driver losing their helmet in a harness race.

Krom, who had a gigantic smile on her face, reiterated Warner’s statement, but jokingly added, “Hey, I gained a second when I lost my helmet.”

Allikait Fighter, who notched her third victory in four seasonal starts, is owned and trained by Sean Campbell. She paid $6.40 for win.

Others who participated in the ninth edition of the Lady Godiva included Terry Donnelly, Laura MacNamara, Betsy Phillips, Stacy Chiodo and Veronica Merton.

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