Little Brown Jug Society eliminates race-off for Jugette

by Tom White, publicity director, the Little Brown Jug

Delaware, OH — Effective in 2011, there will be no race-off for the Jugette 3-year-old filly pace. The Little Brown Society board of directors voted that the winner of the second heat will be the Jugette champion. The board confirmed that beginning in 2012, the Jugette and Little Brown Jug will be limited to 24 starters.

At their meeting on Tuesday, the Board also elected Jeff Gural of Manhattan, N.Y., to the Little Brown Jug Society replacing the late Robert Davenport of Delaware. Gural owns Standardbred farms in New York and Pennsylvania and is chairman and owner of American Racing and Entertainment for Tioga and Vernon Downs.

The Jug Society also re-elected W.D. “Tom” Thomson as president-treasurer, Tom Wright as vice-president, and Phil Terry as secretary.

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