by John Berry, for Pompano Park
Pompano Beach, FL — With the Super Hi-5 carryover now close to $90,000, Gabe Prewitt, Director of Racing at Pompano Park, has set Sunday (April 30) for the mandatory payout of the Super Hi-5 pool, should that offering not be hit either Sunday (April 23), Monday (April 24) or Tuesday (April 25).
Prewitt remarked, “With our meeting winding down now, we thought it be prudent to offer the mandatory payout in the new few days, rather than wait until the end of May.”
Should the Super Hi-5 continue to be unscathed for the next three racing programs, Prewitt expects the carryover to be around the $100,000 mark by April 30.
“Who knows where it will wind up?,” Prewitt said, “But it should be a nice bonanza for our faithful players.”