MSOA announces 2014-15 scholarship winners

by Jeff Zidek, for the MSOA

Washington, PA — The Meadows Standardbred Owners Association is pleased to announce that seven students will share more than $11,000 in MSOA scholarships as they continue their educations this fall.

Garrett Adams, son of John and Lisa Dunn-Adams, has been named the winner of the $5,000 MSOA Scholarship. He will attend the University of Pittsburgh this fall.

The $2,500 MSOA/CSC Insurance Options Scholarship has been awarded to Alyssa Cummings, daughter of Todd and Tammy Cummings. She attends Community College of Allegheny County.

A $1,800 MSOA/Hypnotic Blue Chip Scholarship, via a donation of a breeding to the stallion, goes to Hallie Nesselroad, daughter of Joe and Janet Nesselroad. She attends the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine.

The $1,000 MSOA/LCM Nutraceuticals Dr. Barry Betts Memorial Scholarhip has been split between Ryan Bush and Chelsea Fahy. Bush, the son of Steve and Kim Bush, will attend Washington & Jefferson College, while Fahy is a student at the Ohio State University’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

A $1,000 MSOA/Tom Ridge Scholarship, also created through the donation of breedings to the stallion, will be shared by Shannon Teed and Courtney Wrenn. Teed is a student at West Liberty State University, while Wrenn attends Indiana University.

“The MSOA would like to congratulate all of this year’s recipients, and thank all of our partners, Tom Svrcek of CSC Insurance, Dr. Larry Smith of LCM Nutraceuticals, Fran Azur and Ted Tomson,” said MSOA President Rich Gillock. “Without their help, none of this would be possible, and we believe it is valuable to help these young people work toward their future. We are proud to be part of that.”

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