NAADA members ready for international competition with Hungary

by John Manzi, for the NAADA

Monticello, NY — It’s been more than 25 years since the North American Amateur Drivers Association has competed against their Hungarian counterparts but on Friday (Sept. 1) and Saturday (Sept. 2) a five-man NAADA team will renew the challenge at Kincsem Park in Budapest.

The participating members of the NAADA team traveling to Hungary for the International Friendship Competition next weekend include NAADA president Joe Faraldo, NAADA vice president Alan Schwartz, Peter Kleinhans, Paul Minore and Bob Davis.

“This will be our third overseas International Friendship Competition since the late spring,” noted president Faraldo. “Earlier this year we raced against our counterparts from France and from Italy and as usual we were treated like Royalty. We’re now making plans to offer the French, the Italians, and the Hungarians a chance to come to America and let us entertain them and race against us on our dirt.”

As usual, winning is secondary in International competitions. According to Faraldo, “Winning or losing is incidental in these international driving competitions. It’s all about sharing the comradery we’ve fostered over the years and we, and they, look forward to these annual races in each of our countries.”

Below is the itinerary for the upcoming NAADA vs. Hungary Friendship Competition.

Monday, Aug. 28
18:00 welcome dinner

Tuesday, Aug. 29
11:00 Gödöllo castle
17:00 Lázár Lovaspark- Domonyvölgy

Wednesday, Aug. 30
Budapest sightseeing
Lunch- Trófea restaurant
Dinner in the center- Gozsdu

Thursday, Aug. 31
Balaton trip Siófok- Balatonfüred
18:00 Dinner- Kocor Winery

Friday, Sept. 1
Free time
18:00 Kincsem Park- Evening Race

Saturday, Sept. 2
12:00 Kincsem Park- Race

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