New ORC Vice Chair appointed

from the Ontario Racing Commission

Toronto, ON — The Chair of the Ontario Racing Commission, Rod Seiling, has announced that Anthony Williams, of Caledon, Ontario, has been appointed by the Government of Ontario as a member of the ORC and Vice Chair for a period of two years, effective Nov. 6, 2012.

He replaces the Honourable James Donnelly who has served as Vice Chair since February 2007.

Mr. Williams has represented the Ministry of the Attorney General on criminal prosecutions since 1974, including almost 23 years as the Crown Attorney for the County of Dufferin at Orangeville. Since 2007, he acted as senior litigation counsel for the Ontario Racing Commission, representing the Administration in hearings and other proceedings.

“Tony brings a unique skillset to the ORC,” said Seiling. “He possesses a valuable combination of adjudicative experience and knowledge of horse racing. We look forward to his contribution.”

Mr. Williams studied sociology and psychology at Glendon and Winters Colleges, York University (Toronto), and law at Queen’s University (Kingston). Called to the Ontario Bar in 1974, he has served as a board member of numerous community groups, including the last 14 years with Caledon Dufferin Victim Services.

“I am honored to follow my predecessor, the brilliant James Donnelly, a former Supreme Court of Ontario trial judge,” said Williams. “And I look forward to serving the Commission and the passionate and committed participants of the racing community in Ontario.”

“We do want to thank Jim Donnelly for his wise counsel and the leadership that he brought to the table,” said Seiling. “We wish him the very best for a job well done.”

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