Oldford wins Billings Trot at Tioga Downs

by John Manzi, for the C.K.G. Billings Amateur Driving Series

Monticello, NY — The ever traveling C.K.G. Billings Amateur Driving Series moved again this week to Tioga Downs where a nine–horse trot went to post prior to the Sunday (June 30) betting card getting underway and when the results became official Steve “You’re Never Too” Oldford won the event with 11-year-old Pierre Levec in a time of 1:58.4.

But the results weren’t official until the judges hung the numbers because the photo finish camera was needed to determine the runners-up, since the first three finishers were just heads apart at the wire.

In that photo, Scott “the Driving Doctor” Woogen was second best with Sleek N Beautiful while the show money went to Whatnblazes, driven by Dave “Yes It’s True” Offenberg.

“It was lots of fun,” Oldford said about the race, but then again, anytime one wins a race that comment has to be taken with a grain of salt.

But Oldford insisted that it was enjoyable, even though he got up very early on Sunday morning at his home in Crosswell, Mich., and drove six hours to Tioga Downs just to drive Pierre Levec.

“I’d like to thank the Sisco family for allowing me to drive Pierre,” Oldford said. “It was a special day, too, and I dedicate that win to Emily Sisco, Allen’s daughter, who as a youngster used to take care of the veteran trotter.

“She’s now a sophomore in college and she came here to Tioga just to paddock Pierre Levec. And to her I dedicate this victory.”

In the race Oldford listened to the horse’s trainer who determined that Doc Woogen’s trotter Sleek N Beautiful was the horse to beat.

“So after the gate sprung I put my horse’s nose on Doc’s helmet and followed his every move,” Oldford related.

“We got away at the back of the pack and when Doc moved I followed him, even though we had to go three deep to get near the front as we passed the half.

“At the three-quarters Doc was on the lead, but on the outside, and I still had my horse’s nose on his helmet. Pierre, the veteran that he is, wore down Doc’s horse and we got all the money. Dave (Offenberg) ended up third even after making a break behind the gate.”

Owned by the Allen Sisco Stable, Pierre Levec’s victory was the 37th of the trotter’s career and it raised his lifetime bankroll to more than $225,000.

Oldford, an automotive sales rep by trade and the vice president of the Billings Series, is known throughout the industry as an excellent amateur driver and a true sportsman. After all, Oldford must really enjoy his amateur driving endeavors because after the winning celebrations waned he still had a six hour drive home.

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