Online entering now available at Pennsylvania fairs

by Susan Brickell

Entering your horse online at Pennsylvania fairs is rapidly gaining popularity with Pennsylvania horsemen.

In mid-May, Michele Kopiec from the USTA met with race secretaries and clerks representing harness racing fairs in Pennsylvania to introduce the online entering system, anticipating implementation for 2014. Additional support was provided by webinar for those that could not attend. As a result online entering is now available to all harness racing venues in Pennsylvania.

Trish Adams, race secretary at the first fair event, reported that more than a third of the entries were online and online entering has steadily increased over the first three events. Entries can be made with a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone, making entering more efficient with no more long waits and endless busy signals.

This system has made the race office much more efficient and the information provided on the draw report is a valuable aid to the judge as he splits the various divisions.

A tutorial is available via a link to the USTA at

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