OSS action featured on Canada Day

from Ontario Sire Stakes

Toronto, ON — Fans heading to Mohawk Racetrack on Saturday (July 1) will be treated to a variety of Canada Day festivities, including Ontario Sires Stakes action.

Mohawk Racetrack’s Canada Day celebrations start at 7:10 p.m. with the singing of ‘O Canada’ by Danielle Falls, followed by a commemorative mile by Mohawk’s parade marshal Joanne Colville and Wroxeter, Ont. resident Jim McKague and his 13-year-old Ontario Sired Standardbred mare, A Promise Made.

A Promise Made will be hitched to a circa 1885 high-wheeled sulky and during the mile fans will enjoy a video commemorating 250 years of horse racing in Canada.

The long tradition of horse racing across the country will also be commemorated by the Preferred class horses in the third race, which has been designated the 250th Anniversary of Horse Racing Pace.

Harness racing’s future will be celebrated in races two, six and eight when the province’s top 3-year-old pacing colts square off for the second Gold Series battle of their season.

In addition to the on-track action fans will enjoy a Canada Day cake upon arrival, and following race, the first Ontario Sires Stakes division, special red velvet Canada Day cupcakes will be available by the bottom of the main escalators.

First race post time for Mohawk Racetrack’s Canada Day card is 7:30 p.m.

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