Pennsylvania governor nominates new Ag Secretary

by Jeff Zidek, for the MSOA

Washington, PA — Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett today announced that he intends to nominate George Greig, a farmer and agriculture leader from Linesville, Crawford County, as Secretary of Agriculture.

“George Greig is an experienced farmer, businessman and leader,” Corbett said. “His record of success and service makes him an ideal choice to lead this important state agency.”

Meadows Standardbred Owners Association President Rich Gillock commented, “We are excited to have a new Agriculture Secretary nominated. We look forward to getting to know Mr. Greig, and we are excited that he comes from a racing-rich area. Crawford County hosts fair racing twice a year, and has produced a lot of fine horsemen.”

Greig, 59, has held many positions within the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, where he has served as the State Board Director for the past six years. Before that, he served as Crawford County Farm Bureau President for eight years, Crawford County board member for 12 years and has been local affairs chairman and served on the legislative committee.

Greig also owns and operates a 650-acre dairy farm in partnership with his brother in Crawford County. The Greig brothers also produce soybeans and hay.

Greig currently serves as township supervisor in Conneaut Township. Corbett said that Greig has also served on the USDA Farm Service Agency PA State Committee, the Crawford County Conservation District, and the Great Lakes Regional Water Board.

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