from Plainridge Park
Plainville, MA — Opening day at Plainridge Park Casino is quickly approaching. The 2018 season gets underway on Monday (April 16) and horsemen are asked to take note of the following items.
The first qualifying races of the season will take place on Tuesday (April 3) at 1 p.m. The box for these qualifiers will close on Monday (April 2) at 9 a.m.. Qualifying events are also scheduled for Tuesday (April 10). There will not be schooling on these dates.
As always Plainridge Park Casino urges trainers to take advantage of the USTA’s online entry system when making declarations.
In addition to 2018 coggins tests and health certificates, all horses entered to qualify on Tuesday (April 3) and Tuesday (April 10) will require a 2018 EHV-1 vaccination for admission to the grounds. Veterinary documentation of the vaccination will be required. The vaccination must be given in calendar year 2018.
In order to afford the best protection, it is recommended that the vaccine be given at least 10-14 days prior to shipment. Please consult with your veterinarian regarding the specific vaccine and booster recommendations for your horses and situation. Veterinary documentation of the vaccine may be included on the health certificate. There will be no exceptions.
Schedules and details for the extensive special events program planned for 2018 are now posted on the track’s website. They can be accessed by clicking here and then clicking on the “Horsemen’s Info” tab.
There will be a double draw on Thursday (April 12) for the first two cards of the season to be raced on Monday (April 16) and Tuesday (April 17).