Rabbit causes accident at Northlands Park

by Jonathan Huntington, thehorses.com

Edmonton, Alberta — A rabbit running in the infield — and dangerously close to the track surface — caused an accident in Wednesday’s (Dec. 9) final race at Northlands Park.

The wreck sent driver Debbie Manning to a medical clinic for x-rays.

“I hurt my shoulder,” said Manning to thehorses.com late Wednesday night. “I was lucky. I thought I was going to get mowed over (in the wreck).”

At least three rabbits were darting across the infield near the first turn as the field for the ninth race approached the stretch for the first time. One rabbit came very close to the inside rail, which spooked Last Chance Buddy, with Manning in the sulky.

“I could see (Last Chance Buddy) get scared of the rabbit,” explained Manning. “He jumped straight sideways.”

To watch video of Wednesday’s accident — and read more of this story — click this link.

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