Reminder to Ontario broodmare owners

by Karen Hauver, OSS Administration Coordinator

Toronto, ON — Broodmare owners are reminded that under the rules of the Ontario Resident Mare Program for foals of 2011, the mare must:

  • Be enrolled in the Program before she foals in 2011
  • Reside in the Province of Ontario at the time of enrollment
  • Remain in Ontario for 180 consecutive days surrounding the date of foaling in Ontario

Please Note: No matter when the mare arrived in Ontario, the 180 day residency requirement does not begin counting until the enrollment form is received at the Standardbred Canada office. If you are planning to move your mare out of the province after she foals, it may be to your benefit to enroll your mare as soon as possible.

The 2011 Program Criteria booklet, which includes all necessary application forms, will be mailed in late December. However, the enrollment form for foals of 2011 can be accessed from the ORC website at or the Ontario Sires Stakes website at

For further information on the Ontario Resident Mare Program, contact Robin McClure at Standardbred Canada at 905.858.3060 or at

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