RUS Clinic at Gaitway Farms, NJ

from Monte America

Englishtown, NJSwedish/Norwegian Monte rider Stephanie Werder is in the U.S. to ride in the 2014 Hambletonian Race Under Saddle series. (Canadian entry O U Gus) Stephanie is young, only 23 years old but she already has over 150 starts in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and also 3 starts in the US in last year’s Hambletonian series.

Stephanie Werder file photo

Swedish/Norwegian Monte rider Stephanie Werder is in the US to ride in the 2014 Hambletonian Race Under Saddle series.

Monte America will, together with Stephanie, hold a clinic about RUS/Monte riding at Gaitway farm, NJ, on Tuesday, July 29 at 5 pm.

Anyone interested in RUS is welcome to attend, it is free and topics such as equipment, riding styles, racing strategy, what to look for in finding a suitable trotter and how to obtain a RUS license will be addressed.

One horse will be available for the demonstration but riders with their own horses are welcome to bring them also.

Contact Helene Gregory for more information, (609) 439-7818

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