RUS NY elects officers to Management Committee

Officers and directors were voted on at the December RUS NY meeting.

Cathy Gearwar, who has been a part of the organization for two years, will take on the lead role of president giving Michelle Miller some time off from the duties. Gearwar will remain the sponsorship director and help with website and Facebook postings. Miller will be staying on as an officer, accepting the position of treasurer and helping with fair planning, marketing and promoting the versatility of the breed.

David Fisher will begin his second year as vice president providing guidance as a non-rider and someone who has worked in the Standardbred industry for more than 35 years, including experience as a race judge.

Kara Duh will remain the secretary of the organization. Also in her second year, she will continue to be the director of membership.

Directors will be Hillary Hartnett and two more non-riders, Hannah Miller and Russell Hoagland. Miller will serve as entry clerk like in year’s past unless otherwise noted.

For more information on plans for the 2020 racing season, click here.

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